Adrian larsen 1 conception vessel 17 cv 17 is a crossing point for the lung pericardium and heart channels which makes it a great point to open the chest acupuncture method. For example conception vessel 4 greatly strengthens blood perhaps because it is a meeting point with the kidney and spleen channels with the liver channel.
Lu 4 Acupuncture Point Xia Bai Chinese Medicine Theory
Cv 4 acupuncture point. Given that the distance between the superior part of the pubic bone and the umbilicus is a. Conception vessel meridian acupuncture points conception vessel meridian points. A different history by sujata bhatt summary zhongwan cv12. Adrian larsen 6 although conception vessel 1 cv 1 is rarely used in acupuncture because its invasive location it is interesting to note that this point connects the connection vessel with the governing vessel. 15 cun inferior to the centre of the umbilicus. Conception vessel 1 498 5 51 posted on may 1 2016 april 9 2018 author dr.
Front mu points can be used to treat diseases of the affected zang fu organ and those of yang meridians and collaterals. Conception vessel 4 cv 4 is extremely powerful for chronic debilitating diseases. It seems to act like a super spleen 6 but with a special emphasis on blood. Vaginitis retention of urine hemorrhoids nocturnal emission enuresis irregular menstruation mental disorders. Its the sixth point along the conception vessel acupuncture channel and can harness the dormant energy of your body so greatly enhancing its capability. Menstrual disorders urinary disorders sexual dysfunction menopause symptoms and intestinal digestive disorders.
Acupuncture points cv 4. Ren 4 has the function to tonify as well as maintain health. They treat diseases of six fu organs and diseases of yang meridians. Nourishes yin benefits essence promotes resuscitation resolves damp heat. It is located midway between cv 8 and cv 16 4 cun above cv 8 or the umbilicus. An adverse reaction when a front mu point is pressed can help make a diagnosis.
Puncture perpendicularly 05 10 inch. Because it is a crossing point for the liver kidney and spleen channels conception vessel 4 has a broad range of conditions it can treat. Conception vessel 6 is one of the most important acupuncture points in the body. Hui yin meeting of yin. More than four hundred acupuncture points have been described with the majority located on one of the main meridians pathways which run throughout the body and according to traditional chinese medicine tcm transport life energy qi 氣tcm recognizes twenty meridians cutaneous and subcutaneous in nature which have branching sub meridians believed to affect surrounding tissues.